
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Attendance and Punctuality

At Oasis Academy Johanna our aim is to ensure that the children receive the most from their education. Good attendance and punctuality are given high priority because if your children are not here, we can't teach them! Good attendance and punctuality are skills for life 


Punctuality is important to establish positive habits. Late arrival in the morning can be detrimental to your child’s education and result in disruption for their class. It can lead to missed assemblies and introductions to lessons and can cause your child the distress and embarrassment of being late.


Parents and carers have a legal responsibility to make sure their children attend school regularly.

There is also a statutory requirement to publish statistics about attendance rates. At the Academy we set an annual target to improve and check our progress towards this.

Our Academy Hub Council have made the decision to not authorise any holidays during term time. All absence must be reported 

We celebrate good punctuality and attendance in a number of ways at the academy. Each week, the class with the highest attendance and the highest level of punctuality are celebrated in assembly and rewarded by looking after one of our reward cuddly toys, popular with younger and older children alike! 

We display individual attendance figures in the classroom windows and class attendance each week in the Newsletter.