Nursery: Rainbow Class
Welcome to Nursery: Rainbow Class!
Your Class Teacher is Jeanette.
Key Objects for Maths and English:
English Objectives:
- Join in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events and phrases in rhymes and stories
- Listen to others and join in conversations with others
- Join in talk about books and stories
- Shows understanding of prepositions such as ‘under’, ‘on top’, ‘behind’ by carrying out an action or selecting correct picture
- Responds to simple instructions, e.g. to get or put away an object
- Understand ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions
- Can retell a simple past event in correct order (e.g. went down slide, hurt finger)
- Use talk to connect ideas, explain what is happening and anticipate what might happen next, recall and relive past experiences
- Describe main story settings, events and principal characters
- Show interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment
- Recognise familiar words and signs such as own name and advertising logos
Maths Objectives:
- Use some number names and number language spontaneously
- Use some number names accurately in play
- Recite numbers in order to 10
- Know that numbers identify how many objects are in a set
- Beginning to represent numbers using fingers, marks on paper or pictures
- Count actions or objects which cannot be moved
- Count objects to 10, and beginning to count beyond 10
- Begin to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2-D shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes
- Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects, e.g. ‘round’ and ‘tall’
It is going to be an exciting year for Rainbow Class! We plan to:
- Perform in front of the whole school
- Make something to take home
- Compete in a sport
- Raise money for charity
- Cook or bake something to eat
- Have our work displayed
- Play in a team
- Have a classroom job or responsibility
- Visit an Aquarium
- Visit the Oasis Farm
- Conduct experiments
- Share our interests with the whole class
- Recite nursery rhymes
- Learn words in another language
- Develop our character through the 9 Habits
- Learn how to save money
- Sing lots of songs
- Help each other to be our best
- Draw, paint and sculpt
- Listen to lots of stories
- Enjoy reading and looking at books
- Learn about different faiths
- Use a range of technology
- Play instruments
- Learn how to be safe
- Make a costume and take part in a carnival
- Visit a place of worship
- Ride walking bikes