Year 2: Yellow Class
Welcome to Year 2: Yellow Class!
Your Class Teacher is Rebecca.
Class Newsletter
Key Objectives for English and Maths are:
English Objectives:
- To form neat joined up writing
- Use capital letters and punctuate sentences correctly using: , ! ? or .
- Use a range of conjunctions to join ideas in a sentence
- Use an apostrophe to show missing letters in contractions
- Edit and improve own writing using the success criteria
- Use adjectives and adverbs to add detail to writing to interest the reader
- Write a variety of sentence types including: statements, questions, commands and exclamations
- Write coherent stories, recounts, poetry, diaries, letters and information texts
- Read with confidence, accuracy, fluency and expression
- Make inferences based on what has been read
- Read and spell Year 2 common exception words
- Use phonetic knowledge to read and spell longer words
Maths Objectives:
- Recognise place value of digits in 3 digit numbers
- Recall addition and subtraction facts to 20
- Recall the 2, 5 and 10 times table
- Count in steps of 2, 3, 5 from 0 and 10 from any number
- Solve addition and subtraction word problems
- Solve multiplication problems using images and resources
- Find fractions of shapes, objects and numbers
- Recognise values of coins and solve money problems
- Identify and describe common 2D and 3D shapes
- Tell the time to five minute intervals
- Use the inverse operation to check answers are correct
- Know that multiplication is commutative and division is not
It is going to be an exciting year in Yellow Class! We plan to:
- Perform in front of the whole school
- Make something to take home
- Compete in a sport
- Raise money for charity
- Cook or bake something to eat
- Dress up
- Have our work displayed
- Recite a poem
- Grow a plant
- Read with a child in another class
- Develop our character through the 9 Habits
- Learn how to save money
- Sing lots of songs
- Help each other to be our best
- Learn how to be safe
- Learn words in another language
- Visit a place of worship
- Travel on a bus, train, tube or boat
- Perform on a world class stage
- Play in a team
- Have a classroom job or responsibility
- Visit an aft gallery or museum
- Visit the Oasis Farm
- Share our interests and read to the whole class
- Conduct an experiment
- Draw, paint and sculpt
- Read lots of books
- Write a poem
- Learn about different faiths
- Use a range of technology
- Learn how to play an instrument
- Make a costume
- Take part in a carnival
- Learn to scoot safely
- Learn to sew
- Visit London landmarks