Global Citizenship
Our curriculum supports the Primary Strategy. We teach children about the history and geography both locally and overseas, for example our ‘Wild Weather’ project in upper KS2 looks at climates and how they affect people and their way of life. Lower KS2 learn about our partner hub in South Africa and Fairtrade. Throughout KS2 children learn about history both in the UK and elsewhere, notably the Ancient Civilisations of Rome, Egypt, China and Indus Valley.
An example is of this being a visit from the Konflux Theatre, who came and worked with us to put on a ‘Play in a Day’. The play was based on the traditional Mayan story of the Hero Twins.
We learn about the contributions of people from different cultures, for example children in KS1 learn about Mary Seacole and her contributions to modern nursing.
We follow the Oasis RE curriculum and the Lambeth agreed syllabus. We make the most of our diverse community and local opportunities, for example, in past years Years 5 and 6 have visited a Buddhist Centre.
We learn about and celebrate festivals, for example Diwali, Eid and weddings.
Our music curriculum is exciting and diverse! Each year children learn songs from all corners of the globe in a range of languages, including Makaton. Years 2 and 5 perform at The Royal Festival Hall each year, and we have many sharing assemblies throughout the year!
Through our assemblies we teach the Oasis Nine Habits. In our whole school assembly on Mondays a new aspect of the Nine Habits is introduced and a challenge set. This is then followed up in class assemblies and PSHE lessons.
We also use our whole school assembly time to celebrate or commemorate particular events. For example, on Armistice Day we hold an assembly to remember all who have given their lives in wars, and to think about how we can bring peace to our world. We also sell poppies to raise funds for the Royal British Legion.
Special Events
We are lucky to have opportunities to be part of special projects such as a Translation Workshop at the Southbank Centre. Some of the languages the children studied were: German, Croatian, Polish, Russian and Spanish.
Black History Week is a big deal at OAJ! Each year we have a particular theme. We have a series of events where families share songs, poetry, photographs and we share our learning in a big community assembly.
Each year, a group of children take part in WE day, this year the children are very excited about the star studded cast!
International Day of the Girl is held locally. Eight Year 6 girls attend this global event in October. They learn about the challenges girls face, and they meet lots of inspirational girls and women.
Each year we have an International Evening, which has a huge turnout from our families! We share food, games, music and dance.
The highlight of our year is our Annual Carnival. The whole local community join in! We agree a theme and work together to design our costumes. We dance to samba music and parade through local streets.
Our Global Partner
Each year, we will have a Global Education Day where we learn about this and raise money for schools in other countries. Find out more about our Global Partner.
Responding to Global Issues
Our School Council organise events to raise money for charities such as Children In Need.
In our Harvest Assembly we learnt that many people had donated pasta to the foodbank but other items were greatly needed, so everyone was encouraged to bring in those items and were given a bag of pasta in return. As a Johanna Family we wanted to share that gift together and a Pasta Party was organised.